To make running labs as easy as possible, our video communication application is based on WebRTC. WebRTC (Web Real-Time Communication) enables video and audio data transfer on many popular web browsers without the need to install any plug-ins.


WebRTC runs on the following browsers:

Broswer System Communication Recording
Firefox Firefox macOS Microsoft Windows Linux Yes Yes
Google Chrome Google Chrome Android macOS Microsoft Windows Linux Yes Yes
Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge Microsoft Windows Yes Yes
Opera Opera macOS Microsoft Windows Linux Yes Yes
Safari Safari macOS iOS Yes No
Desktop Comsimulator Desktop macOS Microsoft Windows Linux Yes Yes Yes

To participate in a lab your browser only needs to support communication. To join as a coach you need a browser which has also recording capabilities.

Before you start your first lab we recommend that you run the WebRTC Test with your browser to make sure your browser is compatible.

For more information about WebRTC support see here.

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